September 21, 2002 - Atlanta, GA
41-year-old Million A. Woldemariam is killed in Atlanta, Georgia with a .22 caliber pistol while helping to close Sammy’s Package Store.

Sam's Package store in Atlanta, GA where Million A. Woldemariam was killed.

Location where Million A. Woldemariam's body was found.

Bullet fragments recovered by the Medical Examiner's Office.
19 Hours Later - Montgomery, AL
52-year-old Claudine Parker is killed, and 24-year-old Kellie Adams is critically injured, but survives after a robbery by Muhammad and Malvo at the liquor store where they worked. Parker was shot with a Bushmaster rifle, later confirmed to be the same one the snipers used in the attacks in the DC area while Adams was shot with the same .22 caliber pistol later linked to the earlier shootings of Paul LaRuffa and Muhammad Rashid. Law enforcement recovered the .22 caliber pistol found along the route Muhammad took as he ran from police after the robbery.

ABC Beverage store where Claudine Parker was killed and Kellie Adams was injured.

ABC Beverage store where Claudine Parker was killed.

Items dropped by Claudine Parker and Kellie Adams during the shooting.

Map of the route the shooters took after the attack, noting location where evidence was dropped, such as a .22 caliber pistol.
Click the button to take a closer look at this evidence.
Law Enforcement canvasing the area after the shooting discovered a .22 caliber pistol that had been discarded. Forensics later confirmed this was the gun that Kellie Adams was shot with and linked the weapon to earlier attacks.